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Our Founder:

Rev. Rick Pearson

About Rick Pearson:

Attended MidAmerica Nazarene University, Washburn University, and Nazarene Bible College Extensions

Founder and Director of Fun in the Son Ministries inc. - 1997

Personally trained over 25,000 students and adults in discipleship, evangelism, and leadership

Personally involved in leading hundreds of people to Christ


Evangelism curriculum writer for Mission USA - Canada, General Church of the Nazarene





Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ: Missionary to the United States of America


39-year veteran of youth ministry:  Served in associate youth ministry in Topeka, Kansas; Dallas, Texas; Oskaloosa, Iowa; and Indianapolis, Indiana.  Pastor of Turning Point Church of the Nazarene in St. Joseph, Missouri 1998-2001. 2002-Present serving as director of Fun in the Son Ministries at Camp Table Rock


Currently serving as a missionary to the American youth culture through Fun in the Son Ministries 

Ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene



Fun in the Son Ministries

at Camp Table Rock

Address: 2079 Peninsula Drive, Shell Knob, MO 65747

Phone: 417-858-9222


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